Labor Day – How to find some last minute travel deals!

Check for last-minute deals –  If you want to travel but you haven’t made plans yet, find last-minute sales on or the mobile apps Booking Now or Last Minute Travel Deals, and keep in mind that matches prices. If you don’t have a specific hotel chain in mind, try or to save as much as 60% off regular hotel prices.

Track flights – Too late to fly away? Nope. Track flights using a flight tracking app like hopper which will notify you of when your ideal flights go up and down in price, and when the best time to book them is. It’s also a great tool for being able to explore different destination and seeing where if affordable for you to go this Labor Day weekend.

BUT be aware of the best dates to travel – When trying to pick which days to travel, generally your best bet is to leave on Sunday, September 3rd and return on Tuesday, September 5th. The most expensive day to travel? Leaving on Thursday, August 31st could cost you over $150 moreon airfare.

Compare car rental prices – Use to compare prices on car rentals, and then review deals available through warehouse store’s travel sites. “Warehouse stores aren’t just a great place to buy oversized bottles of ketchup and a month’s supply of tissue paper—you can also use that membership to save on travel bookings.

Go camping or take a road trip – Forgo hotels and enjoy the outdoors while the weather’s still good, and/or make the journey part of the experience! You can often pitch a tent at a well-equipped campground for $20 to $30 a night. is a great resource. is also super helpful when it comes to planning your ideal road trip.




So you waited to book your holiday travel….now what?